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[PODCAST] Episode 50: What Worked & Totally Sucked in 2019


Maripili Menchaca


May 2, 2019

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We are almost at the end of the year and reached the big 5-0 of our MedSpa Accelerator Podcast! We are so excited to share with you a little research where we recap the best practices that threw outstanding results, but also everything that sucked with poor to bad reception from our customers and overall audience. This time we won't be just talking about marketing & sales, but we'll also cover business operations inside MedSpas to give you some advice about what to work over to start 2020 strong! 

Let’s start with those practices YOU want to AVOID at all cost!

Nope, nope, nope list.

  • Not doing market research

If you don't know who you are talking to or who is your ideal client, you can bet everything's gonna fall into pieces! Stop thinking that everyone is your market and take the necessary steps to know who is actually going to walk through your door to get a consultation.

Market research is very broad and takes a lot of research, but it is important to not skip this step to know what other people are doing in your area, what your ideal audience likes/dislikes are, how to attract them, what the best customer journey looks like, etc.

  • Not asking for testimonials & reviews

We didn't make a whole blog post about the importance of testimonials "just cause"...Don't be bashful, and don't forget to encourage your customers to let other people know how excellent your service is! Automating this process will take you a long distance in regards to making your potential customers know you are what they are looking for to get their aesthetic services.

In today's society, getting your services as fast as possible is not just a commodity but a requirement. If you don't respond quickly to your leads, you should know your potential customer is already sending messages to another MedSpa, and the one that answers promptly is the most likely to be the chosen one. You can -and should- automate this one too!

We created a full episode about the numbers you need to know because we are talking about a big deal here. And yes, we know this is a time-consuming practice, but if you want to take your business to the next level, you should be aware of the numbers and actions you need to grow your revenue.

  • Not knowing where to spend your ad money

This goes back to the importance of knowing your numbers. If you know what is giving you a return on ads, then you know how to invest your money wisely -whether in Facebook, Google or Instagram.-

  • Trying to do everything yourself

Alongside trying to make people do things they weren't hired for, both will result in disaster. You should add experts passionate about each different section of your entire MedSpa. You'll see the best results while you do what you focus on the job you need to do! -which is on the business, not in the business.-

The please repeat list.

  • Engaging with your customers and fans

Interacting with your leads through Social Media is one of the most powerful tools you can use to build your brand and awareness. Reply comments, ask questions, make people feel connected with you! Make sure they know there are humans behind your social media!

  • Talking to your unique audience

If you are talking to your ideal audience, you are in the fast lane to build your Social Media presence. It would be best if you took advantage of what you know about your potential clients and use those little details to connect through stories, blog posts, pictures, and all the quality content you can create for you to connect with them!

  • Be mindful of your brand identity

Yes, you need to know who your audience is, but you also need to know who you are! Knowing why are you in the aesthetics field and what you want to accomplish here will help you build an identity within every step. Your branding is what will make you stand over the competition! Make your customers want to be loyal and come back constantly to you.

  • Personalization

You want to give your customers a tailored experience. Even in the way you write text messages and e-mails to your clients must stay human even if you automate them. Stay far from robotic interactions and make your customers feel welcomed by you!

We are talking about our favorite 2019 practice! We've seen the impact and love the results! We encourage people to capitalize on this significant opportunity for you. With a 98% open rate, you are growing the number of eyes on your brand!

  • Operations

Staying aware of your operations and how does your customer journey look like for each new lead. Mapping out every single step from clicking on your promotional banner to coming in to get their service done. 

  • Staff

Investing in your staff is essential to make them feel part of your business's culture. If your team feel appreciated, this way, it is more likely for them to give an outstanding performance. Give them the tools they need and invest in making them more capable and prepared for the job they do.

We hope this list will help you find out what might be missing at your MedSpa for it to thrive, or throw some light over the good practices that you should keep implementing and bettering! Don’t forget to visit our other podcast episodes and if you have any feedback, comments, or want to know more about how to boost your MedSpa, you can contact us via our Social Media! We’d love to help you out!


Welcome everyone to the Med Spa Accelerator Podcast! Brought to you by Everable Marketing! We’re excited to bring this podcast to you where we’ll be discussing the latest hacks and best practices in marketing and running a profitable medspa.

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