Just like that, May is here! And despite the craziness around Coronavirus -not to mention the Murder Hornets- this month comes with good news and the promise of letting business owners open up their doors and get back on track to make some money after the Great Shutdown. What we love the most about this re-opening is that we'll get to enjoy the feeling of those first stages when opening up a business all over again, it'll be like starting from scratch! We talked about this moment in our previous episode Embracing the Downtime, here we emphasize how valuable the opportunity of working on your business is, now that we know better. Making changes, redesigning ideas, improving on areas of opportunity, etc. Right now we have a fundamental question you must ask yourself to take advantage of this restart:
New normalcy is coming. What will that look like for you, your business, your staff, and even for your patients? Let's dive into the three cornerstones we believe -based on previous investigations & facts, as always- will work as a fantastic foundation for your brand new beginning.
The Best Relationships Require Strong Communication.
Taking the time to communicate with your patients will be crucial to succeed during these times of fear & uncertainty, especially as a new normal comes into play. Communication MUST take place among not only your customers but your staff members. This will require you to position yourself -more than ever- as a leading figure in your business.
Quick wins. For starters, let's reach out for the low hanging fruit.
Is it time for you to bring back your staff? What about the cash flow? How can we make sure we'll be bringing money back into the business? These are questions we’ve been hearing from a lot of business owners in the industry. And for that, we have two tips:
- Prioritize your existing customers, especially the ones who already had an appointment prior to the shutdown and need rescheduling. Also, don't forget to reach the people who supported you during the quarantine by buying Gift Cards, Buying to Bank, getting Virtual Consults or buying any of your services. Make sure to make them feel appreciated and welcome.
- Get in front of the conversation with your patients for them to visit you with some peace of mind. Make sure to resolve their fears & concerns. Let them know about the precautions and measurements you will take after/during COVID-19 and make them feel safe.
Pro tip: Download our FREE Communication Pack; you'll find a series of e-mails & text messages explicitly designed for this re-opening phase. Subscribe, and we'll send it right away to your inbox.
Stop right there, what do you mean by new normal?
We are talking about how you'll handle the upcoming situation. Taking into consideration what's happening in your State & where you are at with your practice, you'll have to implement some specific measurements to open up properly.
- What precautions will you take to keep your staff & patients safe? You want to make sure everyone entering your office knows you are following -exceeding, if you wish- the cleanliness and CDC’s requirements.
- Are you keeping the same schedule? What about your capacity? Maybe you won't be available to go back to your 100% and will have to space your consultations a little to clean & disinfect everything between visits.
- Adding Standard Operation Process, or checklists, to not only clean but disinfect from your consultation space to your front desk will take you the distance in regards to protecting you, your staff & ultimately your patients.
Pro tip: Don't ever assume a step of your procedures will go smoothly just relying on common sense. If you want something to work in a specific way you need to engineer the process. Write every single step and make it evident for your whole staff for quality assurance.
Talking about safety, how will your Patient Protection Program look like?
Basically, these programs come down to the following statement: Answer your patient's questions around your safety policy before they even ask them. You know they already have doubts, and you know about the anxiety around Coronavirus. Take the lead as the professional you are, and from your position, make sure to ease your clients before they ask for comfort and make them feel at ease with the idea of paying you a visit.
Pro tip: Send text messages & e-mails preparing your patients for their next visit. Make it clear about what is the new process and why it works like that for them to be ready and don’t feel uncomfortably surprised. Make sure to spread the message by every possible channel! Try to go further and SHOW your patients with a video, some infographics, Instagram stories, and other graphic explanations to make sure you are being clear about how seriously you are taking care of cleanliness precautions.
Let's start with some small steps. Navigating re-opening: slow and easy.
Get ready, get started, and solve any questions that come your way!
It's time to show some life signals. Take a moment to make a post or a small video letting people know that after everything that happened, you're really close to opening up your doors once again, and you are eager to restart everything left on pause since the quarantine started.
To wrap things up, we want to give you a quick reminder: Subscribe to our different Social Media channels! Get a notification every time we upload new content to boost your practice to the next level with our guidelines, tips & tricks! Sign up to our podcast, subscribe to our Youtube channel, and follow us on Facebook where you can join our group [link], be part of our Live Events and make connections within our MedSpa owners community working towards a profitable practice!
The money will come little by little, don’t get too anxious! You want to do things right to avoid getting overwhelmed by the situation & the new normalcy with limited capacity and perhaps shortened staff.
Pro tip: Select the services that you can capitalize on for the time being. Maybe in your state facials & microneedling won’t be available just yet, but for sure you can offer CoolSculpting to get rid of the muffin-top created by the hours of Netflix & chilling during the confinement.
Marketing Post Coronavirus will look kind of different.
Right now, you'll have to focus on different goals before going into your regular promotions and specials.
- The first step will be making sure your market feels safe coming to your practice. Make sure your messages are on point in regards to clearing off concerns that may revolve on your patient's mind.
- Place a fitting marketing strategy. Do your best to reach out to your customer's beauty stage after the quarantine. For instance, think about the stress they must have felt during these hard days. Maybe you can market some botox to address stress wrinkles that they can't stand to see in the mirror one-more-day.
- Remember, you are selling the same things, you just have to switch your message to a proper voice for the current situation.
- Implementing a mixture of online and face to face interactions will give you an advantage over the competition. This hybrid consultation interaction will allow you to create a bridge of confidence between you and your new clients
You stopped marketing and don’t know when to restart?
Your re-start will be closely related to the number of resources you have available. Only you know the current situation of your practice, you have to evaluate it and therefore decide if you are in a position to activate marketing campaigns.
Pro tip: Make sure you prioritize creating content for your existing customers. After you reactivate your connections with them, evaluate again your budget and set goals to start bringing new people on board. Easy & slow, you’ll find the healthy balance your practice needs to keep thriving.
If you want to know each time we share fresh new content regarding Digital Marketing for Medspas, make sure to follow us on our Social Media! We’ve been growing A LOT -just saying- these days and we would love for you to join the fun of the Aesthetic field’s entrepreneurs. Don’t miss our Master Class created to help you grow your practice DURING the Shutdown. Stay tuned for more videos and Live sessions to address all the concerns that might be troubling you! If you have a specific issue feel free to contact us directly, we’ll get back to you shortly and help you keep pushing forward! Let’s do a 180 and make 2020 a great year together. We believe it’s still possible!

* SBA COVID Relief Grant Application: https://covid19relief.sba.gov/#/
* The Ultimate MedSpa Survival Guide: https://go.everable.io/medspa-survival-guide-lp
* Go Virtual MedSpa Course: https://www.govirtualmedspa.com/offers/8efuBhyo/checkout
* Blog Post: http://www.everable.io/post/podcast-episode-59
Welcome everyone to the Med Spa Accelerator Podcast! Brought to you by Everable Marketing! We’re excited to bring this podcast to you where we’ll be discussing the latest hacks and best practices in marketing and running a profitable medspa.
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We Partner With You To Create 7 Figure Med Aesthetics Practices
My name is Luis Trevino and I’ve been where you are. I’ve built and ran a few 7 figure businesses and have been stressed out, overworked, and hanging on by a thread. Despite that, I still love what I do and like you, it was never about the money – it was the passion that drove me towards helping others. However, even if your financials look great, there’s something to be said about the number of hours you work each week…and the emotional toll it’s taking on your family and loved ones.
CoolSculpting Marketing Strategies at everable.io
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