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Why Sales Should be Part of Every Staff Member's Role


Maripili Menchaca


August 15, 2019

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Today we're going to talk about who should be doing sales for your practice. 

Let me ask you this: Who is in charge of sales within your medspa? Is it the person who performs consultations? Do you have someone dedicated to it?

It’s a bit of a trick question. If you think that only one or two people should be in charge of your entire med spa’s sales, you might want to reconsider that stance.

Every staff member inside your practice should have at least basic sales skills. It’s extremely valuable for them to be able to apply these skills during all of their interactions with potential or existing clients. 

I'm talking about adding sales power to your whole customer experience organically — nothing too pushy. Here are a few ways that your various staff members can apply these skills in order to improve the customer journey and give a complete experience to every person that comes to you for a consultation.


Set protocols and processes that ensure your consultations don’t end after simply describing the service. Instead, your consultants should follow-up with the potential client to discuss their particular challenges and the recommended solutions. 

Front desk workers:

First of all, you should make sure that these people know the importance of their role and feel appreciated. The front desk is not a position open to just anybody. These workers are often the first face-to-face interaction with your patients. They are the voice your customers hear whenever they call, and if you have someone terrific at sales that smiles and projects excitement, even if it's through the phone, you'll see a massive difference in your revenue. The enthusiasm and the wording used at the front desk have a huge impact both on the phone and in person.

Your aesthetic technicians:

Your team of providers must sound knowledgeable and authentic to build trust with your clients.

There are two things your customers will carry with them when they leave: the memory of their experience and their treatment results. As aesthetic specialists, you should provide them with the best possible solutions to satisfy their concerns. 

Why don't you train your staff to assess your customers while they are receiving a service? For instance, perhaps someone who’s getting a hydrafacial may also benefit from a wrinkle relaxer like Botox. 

Any one of your aesthetic technicians should be able to explain each of your services so that they can guide customers through their aesthetic journey. We talked about the importance of training your staff to this end. If you want to dive deeper into staff training, check out this blog.


Let your staff experience your products and services for themselves at low or no cost. In the end, your team won't just be selling the latest laser treatment: they'll be selling their experience and results with your customers. 

So, going back to my initial question: The answer is that every single person in your business should be knowledgeable of the basics of sales. Why? Because every stage of the customer journey is an opportunity to sell.

I hope that you can make something great out of these sales tips. If you can begin changing that sales mindset within every staff member, I swear it will make a world of difference.

Sale to come in.



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