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Special Episode: How to Crisis Proof Your MedSpa


Luis Trevino


May 2, 2019

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Everable’s philosophy consists of helping MedSpas thrive, and at this very moment, we believe that the most important matter at hand is making your MedSpa Crisis Proof. That’s why, alongside this podcast,  we developed the Ultimate MedSpa Survival Guide! An online course created to help you navigate during these dark times. We want to see you on the other side of the tunnel! So, let’s dive into the critical resources we got for you.

Right now, as requested by the government, you must have closed your doors or maybe just kept essential services ongoing. These preventive measures designed by the World Health Organization to promote social distancing are a critical factor to put an end to the COVID-19 pandemic as soon as possible for us to come back to our regular schedule. Still, in the meantime, we can't stand by waiting for something good to happen. As entrepreneurs, we must create & find new ways to keep pushing forward for ourselves, our families, and our staff -and for our mental sanity, right?-

There are two things to consider before we start talking about strategies and countermeasures against them:

  • The virus COVID-19 and the importance of containing it from harming more people.
  • The incoming recession, officially declared by the Bank of America on March 25th.

You must be thinking, how can we position ourselves against such calamities? Let's discuss the advice and strategies we've given to all of our dear clients:

When there is a problem, there is a solution. Do not stay standstill. 

Repeat this statement as a mantra. In any reliable history documentation, you'll notice that in points of crisis, there are two types of businesses: Those who react without much thought, panic, and end up pulling back. On the other hand, we have those who lean into the crisis and see this as an opportunity. If we want to press forward & stimulate the economy to come out on top of the present problems, we must start viewing them as opportunities to transform and improve. 

Most of the biggest companies today were built during moments of crisis.

Right now, there is a huge opportunity to advertise your services to strengthen your presence on social media. Why? Well, think about the current situation: due to the quarantine, people are sitting at their houses, getting bored and scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter looking for anything that might catch their attention. It is the perfect time to reach your audience and speak to them, positioning as a leader ready to cast some light over all the negativity and fear the current situation causes! Get your brand out there for people to start knowing, liking, and trusting you by sharing some hope!

A lot of free time? Start working ON your business instead of IN it. 

Remember those little tasks you've been putting away because you are just too busy? Lack of time is no longer an excuse! You can start working on everything we've been talking about to boost your practice 

  • Implementing SOPs
  • Creating educational content
  • Training your Staff

Even if you are short on budget, use whatever you have in strategic marketing campaigns to stay relevant in your actual and potential client's minds. 

"How dare you sell during times like these?" Be tactful. You know this is what you do for a living. 

We have to slow down a little, even change the conversation, we understand that, but you know it's impossible to stop bringing some revenue to your practice. Bills keep coming, salary for your staff and yourself. The world's still spinning! Maybe the strategies we used before are going to change to avoid pushing the wrong buttons with our clients; we have to redesign our Call To Action and the way we used to sell our services & products to a more fittable pitch for the current tense situation.

Pro-tip: People are craving for some normalcy. Try to build a strategy to help them remember there's still beauty and reasons to keep moving forward out there! The pandemic is going to end, and you want them to consider you in their plans for when those freedom days come back. We encourage you even to take out some jokes from your vault and add some humor and color to your audiences’ days! Believe us; everyone is craving for a pleasant smile! 

Want to build an empathic campaign? Make Good-will the cornerstone for your COVID-19 marketing. 

Underneath all the awareness about the epidemic, behind all the stress rampaging in regards to the uncertainty for the future, the bare NECESSITY for beauty, self-care, health, and wholesome living is out there among your audience. Use your expertise to create content that will get you closer to your target market and become that "something" positive they need in their day. Share some fitness tips & recipes, create a "quarantine challenge" to stay active, share seven ways to take care of your skin from home, be creative! All the interactive & educational content you share right now will function as an indirect approach to extending your brand. Remember, educating & nurturing your audience is just another part of the sales process

TGI2020: The World Wide Web as a game-changer.  

Yes, we understand many services require in-person interactions, but let's do our best to innovate & take advantage of the products & services we are available to provide remotely -remember, you must press forward.- 

Pro-tip: Try transitioning your consultations to a virtual format for you to keep getting revenue even when your doors stay closed! Come to a position of leadership and talk with your existing clients to explain the upcoming changes. You'll get to put them at ease and give them some of the normalcy we were talking about earlier. Trust us, next time they think about an aesthetic service, you'll be the one they know, like & trust. 

Do you have a unique mechanism? 

Today more than ever, you need to stand out from the competition. Consider creating a whole new product, service, or even a process where you combine different elements of your area of expertise and get people's attention over something that might be useful to address their current situation. Help your audience feel a little better prepared -and taken care of- for the events at hand. Give people the steps they need to get the optimal results in regards to health care, weight loss, and so forth. 

Pro tip: All for one & one for all. Consider starting partnerships with businesses that are going through the same hardships as you and work with a similar target market. Build plans where both of you can get some revenue and do your best to keep the economy active. People from your area will also feel a connection towards you if you are supporting local businesses just like yourself! 

To wrap things up, we want you to know that the worst thing you can do is staying put with an empty calendar, no advertising, and no actions at all. We want you to come back strong when the quarantine is over and encourage you to take care of your existing clients and keep your new leads warm and cozy, waiting for you to open up your doors and help them achieve their body goals after these dark days. 

After joining our Ultimate MedSpa Survival Guide, make sure you are part of our community! Follow us in all our Social Media channels and stay tuned to all the tips and updates available for you to not only resist the quarantine, but to beat the crisis & keep growing. 

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